Apoca-HA-HA-lypse is a climate comedy variety show produced by Jessie (via Carmack Productions) alongside 6th Fest and Zivon Toplin. The show debuted at the Brooklyn Comedy Collective Eris Mainstage on Saturday Nov. 23, 2024.

“You know what sucks? Climate change. You know what doesn't suck? Some of New York’s hottest comics helping us laugh our way through the apocalypse, saving the world one ha-ha at a time.”


Headliner: Hila the Earth @hilatheearth

MC: Dominique Nisperos @domloveslife

Nate Smith

Climate Town - @climatetown

James Rehwald - @jrehwald15backup

Aakash Kesavarapu - @aakashmeoutside

Zivon Toplin - @mbz_worldwide

Catherine Waller - @catherinewallerofficial

James Quesada- @jamesqyou

Katherine Taylor- @katherine_joan

Langston Belton - @langstonbelton

Rachel Bouton - @raemacraerae


The Carmack Collective


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